Dixie Jackson Arkansas Missions Offering

The Dixie Jackson Arkansas Missions Offering and Week of Prayer each September is intended to highlight and encourage Gospel work that Arkansas Baptists are faithfully supporting in our state and beyond. Arkansas Baptist churches are the partners, prayer warriors, and volunteers behind new church works, community missions like the Acts 1:8 One Day Mission Trip, collegiate ministries, and Disaster Relief.
Your Giving Funds Arkansas Missions

Every dollar given to the Dixie Jackson Arkansas Missions Offering helps RESOURCE and MOBILIZE Arkansas Baptists to SERVE and REACH people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
To give to the Dixie Jackson Arkansas Missions Offering, click here and Choose Dixie Jackson in the dropdown box, or you can designate Dixie Jackson on your check to Hot Springs Baptist Church.
For more information about the Dixie Jackson Arkansas Missions Offering, click here.