Mark your calendar for July 26th-28th so that your child can participate in Kid’s Week 2021! This event will be three days packed full of fun for 1st-5th grade. The cost will be $40 per child for all three days and that price includes admission, transportation, and lunch. On each day kids should be dropped off in the activity center at 8:30 am. The pickup time for Monday and Tuesday will be 12:30 pm in the activity center, but the pickup time for Wednesday will be 4:30 pm in the activity center. Deadline to sign up is July 21st.
Monday, July 26 (8:30-12:30): Little Rock Zoo
Tuesday, July 27 (8:30-12:30): Pirate’s Cove Mini Golf
Wednesday, July 28 (8:30-4:30): Urban Air Trampoline Park