Registration for 2024 is closed
We have reached max capacity for 2024.

Summer Praise 2024
SUMMERPRAISE2024 is coming in HOT! We will be hosting our 4th annual KIDS MUSIC CAMP August 6-8 for kids 4yrs – 5th grade. The cost per child for the event is $50. That amount will cover music, lunch, snack, T-shirt, and afternoon activity. During the morning sessions the kids will learn 4 songs to help lead in worship the following Sunday, August 11th. Our church staff and volunteers are so excited to host this event and we can’t wait to see your children there! Register today!
Afternoon Activities
4yrs old through completed Kindergarten will stay on HSBC campus all day, Completed 1st – 5th grade will go off campus. All activities subject to change.
4yrs – Kindergarten
- Indoor Bounce Houses and Games
- Petting Zoo, Movie Day and Snow Cones
- Water Day at HSBC (outdoor Bounce Houses)
1st – 5th Grade
- Movie Theater
- Bowling
- Riverside Park Swimming